Subject: Re: Hard drive formatting problem
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/06/1997 22:50:24

This is how a MIME multipart message you sent to the list is shown in
Mew mailbox window:

   2 M07/06 "Bruce Anderson"  Re: Hard drive formatting problem <<--Cyberdog-Mi
	1	Text/Enriched	
	2	Application/X-Url	T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
	3	Text/Enriched	

As shown above, none of the parts is in plain text format.

Would you refrain from sending non-plain-text (Text/Plain) unless
absolutely necessary?  Even if it's absolutely necessary, I think it's
a good practice to make at least the first part (cover page) in plain
text.  It's not very amusing to read a message with SGML/HTML tags
scattered all over it.

