Subject: Serial console problems...
To: Port Mac 68K <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/05/1997 13:58:29
Hi! After ages of thinking that NetBSD was beyond my reach, I've finally
managed to get hold of an old SE/30. Space is a little tight, but I seem to
have just about everything working properly.

I'm using the latest (?) snapshot, dated 06/01/1997, and I'm using
GENERICSBC-34, if I remember correctly.

The internal video is working fine, but now I'm trying to get it working
with a serial console... I can receive the boot echo normally, but there
seems to be a problem at the very end:

clearing /tmp
updating motd.
standard daemons: update cron.
starting network daemons: routed printer inetd.
starting local daemons:.
Sat Jul  5 05:59:47 PDT 1997
Jul  5 05:59:48 myname init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
Jul  5 05:59:51 myname getty[137]: /dev/ttye0: Device not configured

I'm going to dig around to try to figure out what I can do to remedy this,
but I'd dearly love some constructive advice. :)

Incidentally, after trying to figure out why I was having trouble, I
noticed that ttye0 wasn't owned by root for some reason... I moved it to
ttye0.backup, typed "MAKEDEV ttye0", and followed that with "chmod a+rw
ttye0" so that it would match the bulk of the other device files.
Unfortunately, doing that didn't fix the problem.

Oh... Another thing I'm curious about is if there's a way I can set the
default speed on the serial port higher than 9600 baud... I'd like to use
the SE/30 more or less like a headless box, but a 9600 baud limit is a bit
slow for szing big files back and forth.

I'm going to go out as soon as possible to get one or more of the
recommended books, and I don't intend to flood the list with newbie admin
questions, but I would like to get this serial console stuff working
smoothly as soon as I can.

Thanks in advance for the help!

        Mason Loring Bliss    /\
      PGPKeyID: 0x25B3D5B5   /()\   awake ? sleep() : dream();
<barbaric>YAWP!</barbaric>  /    \