Subject: Re: missing /etc/
To: None <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/30/1997 06:32:21
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 wrote:

> I'm trying to install X.  I've read the FAQ.   I type startx, command
> not found.  I try to add the lines suggested in the FAQ to 
> /etc/ but it's not in that directory.  I've installed the
> xbase, xserver, xcomp packages. I have not set myself up as a user yet,
> would that have anything to do with it?

It is not clear to me what the problem is, because you seem to be
mixing aspects of two different problems, but here goes:

If your problem is that when you type startx you get command not found
errors then the reason is that you haven't added a directory to
your *shell* path (not the path this is a different problem
that you may get to when you solve this one).  So how do you fix it?

Since the shell can't find startx, you can either tell it exactly
where startx is (on my system it is found at /usr/X11R6/bin/startx)
or you can tell your shell that when you tell it to run startx
it should search in /usr/X11R6/bin/ along with all the other
directories it looks in.  Look in your .cshrc file for
a statement setting the path variable and edit it to add
/usr/X11R6/bin/startx as appropriate.  do a man csh and look for the
entry descrbing the path shell variable.  

> I had x running on a IIcx a while back but I forgot what magic spell I
> cast on the BSD to get it fired up.  I've also read
> for some hints on what I might
> be doing wrong.
> I know you guys get sick of reading "hey, I can't get x to run".  Is
> there a NetBSD.Users mailing list that might be more appropriate for
> this kind of question.

The answer to this question really ought to be in the FAQ.
The FAQ can be found by following links at:

If you solve this problem *PLEASE* take the time to right 3 or 4
lines in the form:  When I type startx I get so and so error message
and the solution is: do x then y then z.

then plase send this off to: Colin Wood, for his
consideration for inclusion into the FAQ

Any more problems NOT covered in the FAQs you can email me direct
and while try to keep them off this list.

Christopher R. Bowman
My home page