Subject: Re: Booting on vx
To: Daniel R. Killoran, Ph.D. <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/26/1997 13:39:42
> >> Rev 1.9.4 works on my vx using FreeBSD 1.2.1
> >>
> >	One presumes you mean NetBSD 1.2.1 ? :)
> I thought that "FreeBSD" was the generic term for it!

No. FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are all different "free" BSD
OS's. *BSD is the term I use for all of them.

The Free/NetBSD split, AFAIK, came because some folks wanted to
make the bitchinest x86 BSD, and some folks wanted to make the
BSD for many platforms. The Open/NetBSD split happened because of
political reasons, many of which I don't know about.

NetBSD & OpenBSD are close in many ways, but not the same. I think
that, right now, the mac68k parts are the same (I think the differences
mentioned in the OpenBSD web site, last I checked, have been put into
the NetBSD source too). There are M.I. differences I'm not familiar
with. But given the "from OpenBSD" messages I see in the source change
commit messages, I don't think they get too far when it really counts.
The OpenBSD powerpc port was borrowed (with accredidation AFAICT) from
the NetBSD one. The NetBSD/pmax shared library support comes/has been
greatly helped by folks developing OpenBSD.

I think the main difference is that NetBSD tends to want to do it
"right" the first time, and not make a quick&dirty hack. This way
has advantages & disadvantages. I don't really want to argue it
here (partly since my opinion, which doesn't really matter :-),
will varry).

Take care,
