Subject: Re: Free X server(Was: Headless server -- how to? Q's)
To: Steve Quint <>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/24/1997 20:42:07
  Just my 2 cents, I tried M/IX, and on my 68030 it was quite nice.  I
don't recall it crashing at all, and it even worked (albeit not playably)
with running Netrek remotely over a 14.4 ppp connection.  I imagine it
would run things very smoothly if you've got the disk space to hold it,
and a fast enough network to your unix box.

--  Michael D. Peters
--  The /original/ Cyber Sailor
|Man invented alcohol,| Clothes make the man.  Naked | Reality is that which |
|God invented grass.  | people have little or no     | when you stop believ- |
|Who do you trust?    | impact on society.           | ing in it, doesn't go |
|-unknown             | -Mark Twain                  | away.                 |
|                     |                              | -Phillip K. Dick      |
|        I'll have seen everything when I see a Pregnant Barbie.  -Me        |
|  Michael D. Peters  |   |   |
^ZOverflow on /dev/null: Please empty the bit bucket.

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Steve Quint wrote:

> At 3:11 -0700 6/24/97, Michael G. Schabert wrote:
> > Unfortunately, the only MacOS X-servers that I
> >know of are commercial.
> In case this is not well known, M/IX is a free X server for Windows and
> Mac(PPC and 68k versions) and is availible for download at:
> It's a very basic X server without a lot of features, and is a little
> buggy... but it's free.
> Steve