Subject: Re: Headless server -- how to? Q's
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/24/1997 12:18:04
>> >I've never used X before, so this isn't really a major point of
>> >contention for me, but could I get color X on the 7100 this way? If so,
>> >how?
>> You would need something like MacX to use X on the 7100. It could be in
>> color if the IIci is using a video card that's supported and you used the
>> color X distribution & lkm. Unfortunately, the only MacOS X-servers that I
>> know of are commercial.
>I tried one of the commercial X servers (demo version) under MacOS and
>found it to be even more crash-prone than Netscape... much more....  :-)

I've had a fair amount of luck with MacX, but another free possibility is
MI/X at

It doesn't have all the fonts, and I didn't fiddle with it enough to get
more working, but most applications didn't have trouble using it.  It's
PPC-native, comes with twm or you can run the window manager as an x-client
off your NetBSD box.  For being free it wasn't too bad.

I                                             I
I Charles Sebold, Pontifex Macintosh          I
I CWW Computers, Inc.                         I
I 2497A Adie Rd.                              I
I St. Louis, MO  63043                        I
I                                             I
I            La compagnie c'est moi.          I
I                                             I