Subject: Re:Q840 AV -> boot fails
To: <>
From: Tibor Pausz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/17/1997 13:04:36
>> Can I run the serial port at 115kBits with my Quadra or even faster? I 
>> want to connect a ISDN TA to it and forward the IP packets with IP NAT to 
>> my other Macs.
>Are you talking about an 840AV or a different Quadra (I've forgotten if
>you started the tread or you're following up on a pre-existing thread)?
>I'm not sure how well we're supporting the AV's right now (I'm sure
>I'll find out! :-)
>If the serial ports are fine, then I can send you a patch to the kernel
>source which will let you run bot 115k and 230k on the serial ports.
>It's not in the main distribution as I'm not sure if 020 or 030 based
>macs will survive that fast a rate

Well, my first boot ends very soon.

After listing the disks with NetBSD it prints severall
probe(esp0:2:1):command aborted, data = ......
typing something about ttys
an last the kernel detects my second ethernet port
ae0 at nubus0: ad...., type MacCon Ethernet 16kB mem

What can I do?