Subject: Kernel Locator Ready to Go
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/15/1997 12:52:56
After a couple late nights, I have finally put together my kernel locator.
I am hoping it will be a place where people can find the answer to
questions like the one below.
The kernel locator is comprised of three parts. The first is a page
describing the various kernels available. This is **not even close** to
being done. I still have to spend a lot more time on this one. The
address is:
The second part is a page where people can add their machine and kernel
information into the database. PLEASE take the time to enter your
information into the database, so we can easily help new users locate a
working kernel and cut down on the "which kernel should I use" questions.
I have two separatae pages, one for desktop Macs and one for Powerbooks,
but all the information goes into a single database.
The address for desktop Mac users is:
The address for Powerbook users is:
The final part is a search engine to search the database for a working
kernel. Right now, it is not very useful since the only information in
there is for my two Macs. However, if we get cooperation (hint, hint), it
should become a useful tool for locating kernels. Like the add your kernel
page, I have divided the search page into two pages for desktop Macs and
The address for desktop Mac users is:
The address for Powerbook users is:
I think I have worked out most of the bugs, but if you do find any bugs or
run into problems, please let me know. Also, to use the search and add
pages, your browsers need to be capable of dealing with forms. Under
MacOS, this shouldn't be a problem is you are using Netscape or Internet
Explorer. Under NetBSD, it may be a problem. However, I have
successfully used it with Lynx Version 2-4-2. I usually use Mosaic 2.7b3
which I downloaded from the Amiga archive. Mosaic deals with the forms
without any problem. I don't know about Chimera or some of the other
If you absolutely cannot find a way to get your data into the database,
then you can send me e-mail with the following ifnromation and I will
enter it into the database:
* Macintosh Model (e.g., IIci, Powerbook 520c, LC III, etc.)
* Type of Video Card (e.g., internal video, Apple High Resolution Card,
* Kernel you are using (e.g., GENERIC-30, Madhatter#39, etc.)
* Level of console support (serial console only, internal console, but no
X, monochrome X, or color X)
* URL of the site where you got the kernel
Finally, when you use the search pages, the results will be returned in a
table. Again, if your browser does not support tables (like Mosaic and my
version of Lynx), sorry. The data will still be displayed, it just does
not look as nice.
I hope the kernel locator helps people find working kernels. I also would
really appreciate everyone's cooperation in getting their kernel data into
the database.
On Sat, 14 Jun 1997, Aaron F Godfrey wrote:
> Hi - I was wondering what kernel I should use to boot NetBSD on a
> PowerBook Duo 230. I was looking through past messages and couldn't
> seem to find it...
Mark Andres E-mail:
Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!