Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.2 slays Connectix VirtualPC emulator, film at 11
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Nathan Raymond <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/1997 14:58:49
> I've removed port-i386 since their interest is probably dwindling rapidly.
> > > Not replaced - Apple is continuing through System 8 and System 9 alongside
> > > Rhapsody.
> > Hmm but for how long ?
> Through Summer 2000; codenames for the annual releases (from Norstad's notes)
> are Tempo (System 8.0, summer 97), Allegro (Summer 98), Sonata (Summer 99),
> and unnamed (Summer 00; personally, I'd suggest "Coda").
> That's all dependant on their actually staying in business that long, and
> dependant on enough pure-Mac-OS holdouts continuing to buy MacOS. If
> Apple gets insanely lucky, everyone will buy Rhapsody next fall (and new
> machines to go with it) because it will be so insanely great they'll feel
> there's no choice. :-) At that point, they'd probably be justified in pulling
> the plug, but I don't see that happening, nor do they. (There are probably
> *still* System 6.8 holdouts...)
Oh, earlier than 6.8... much earlier.
In 1993 I was head of a tech support club at my prep school campus, did a
dorm call on someone who was having trouble getting a StyleWriter to work
with his Mac Plus.
I went there armed with System 6.8 on 800k floppy, only to find him
running System 1.1g! My jaw was on the floor, and when I recovered from
realizing he did everything off one floppy with MacWrite and MacPaint
(both version 1.0 or a little later) in MFS 400k flat-file, I explained
the situation as best I could to him. (On a positive note, I got a copy
of System 1.1g. :)
Just think about all the parents, teachers, and students with Macs, and
you'll realize that Rhapsody will pass them by just like every other OS
update - a lot of these casual users won't notice.
Speaking of installed base, anyone have some estimates on the installed
base of MacBSD? :)
Nathan Raymond