Subject: making gcc
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Hawkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/11/1997 18:29:40
I'm trying to make gcc, and i don't know if i've succeeded or
not :(

since i already had 2.7.2, i skipped most, and tried

make install

It seems to get most of the way through, then complains about missing
info files.  I tried "make info", but no dice.

I've moved xgcc from the build directory to replace /usr/bin/gcc (i kept
the old one), and it seems to be working.  am i done?

adn what can i delete?  this has cost me an awful lot of space on /usr,
apparently because it creates the new library
/usr/local/gcc- or some such.  Do I delete
all the files with teh same name from /usr/local/lib

and with it compiled, how do i package it & send it off?
