Subject: Re: Rhapsody (was Re: NetBSD 1.2 slays Connectix VirtualPC emulator, film at 11)
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/11/1997 15:50:32
Allen Briggs drunkenly mumbled...
> I'm curious, and I'd love to talk about it, but this ain't the forum...

i'm interested in talking about this as well.  and since this isn't the
forum, who would be interested in a mailing list?? i'd be more than happy to 
host one here.

email me if interested.


** Brian Hechinger ** ** **
"Color is for web wanking.  mono is for writing code.  Gimme a Mono Sun 3 and 
an expresso machine any day :-)"

						-Bob Beck