Subject: Important info for Performa 475/476 owners pertaining to NetBSD
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joel Klecker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/1997 15:07:10
I saw this on MacInTouch(<>) and thought it may
be of interest to those owning those machines and interested in running

Darryl Tang and other readers received notice of a proposed class action
settlement in the case of Lizcano v. Apple Computer. Darryl says:

"The dispute is over advertising of Performa 475 and 476 computers;
plaintiffs contend that Apple stated in some advertising that the machines
had a 68040 chip instead of a 68LC040 chip. Under the settlement, class
members (those purchasing systems before 8/21/96) can select one of four
options: (i) installation of a 68040 chip, (ii) some software on a CD,
(iii) $260 rebate on an Apple system costing at least $2,000 or (iv) 10%
off any apple hardware up to a maximum of $260. I like option IV, and will
probably use it to buy a new CPU down the road. Qualifying class members
who didn't receive a notice might try contacting the Claims Administrator,
Apple Computer, Inc., P.O. Box 50898, Provo, UT 84605."

Joel Klecker                    <>
Esperance on IRC (Undernet)     <URL:>
The [US] Senate trying to govern cyberspace is analogous to King George
believing he could still govern the colonies even though he had never been
there. -- John Perry Barlow