Subject: Problem in mac68k -current, progress yet?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/1997 13:45:36
>For some reason, autoconfig isn't getting my video card set up right
>(again!).  I've been seeing this problem for a couple of weeks now (ever
>since I started trying to get -current with 1.2E), and I've finally
>tracked it down some:


>For some strange reason, the pmap_extract() call returns a value of
>0xfd000800 while mac68k_vidphys contains 0xfd000400.  The latter value
>agrees with what the booter passes in.

Has any progress been made on this yet?  Does anyone have a patch to make
this work?  Did I miss a resolution to this?  As of -current supped this
morning, dt and X still make my C650 and IIci (both with Mac II High-res
Video Card) hang.  Just curious!

(I don't mean to make unreasonable demands of the people who can track down
and fix these problems, and I am grateful for the work done so far [e.g.,
SONIC support for Quadras!].  I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed
anything.  I can work with MacX on my Duo a while longer, no big deal.)

I                                     I
I Charles Sebold, Pontifex Macintosh  I
I CWW Computers, Inc.                 I
I 2497A Adie Rd.                      I
I St. Louis, MO  63043                I
I WWW:      I
I                                     I
I       La compagnie c'est moi.       I
I                                     I