Subject: Will this work?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William Quay <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/1997 00:21:54
Hi everyone,

Just started looking recently at setting up a cheap unix box at home &
thought I would get an old 486 PC and run linux on it. Unfortunately I
didn't have a PC, and with the price of pentiums falling the way it has
been I thought picking up a cheap 486 would be easy. Well, they must be
like the old '57 chevys - they just keep on running, I guess, 'cause
they are neither as cheap as I would like or as easily available.

Then I remembered that I had an Performa 430 (LCII equivalent) sitting
around. I knew that Mklinux only runs on power macs, but I poked around
a bit and found out about netbsd. 

Okay, now for the question - you knew I would get to the question,

Will a performa 430 with only 4 mb of ram and a 90 mb hard drive be
enough to run netbsd, or should I save my time and not bother
downloading the software?

And is the documentation pretty self-explanatory? and are there any
gotchas that I should know about in advance?

TIA, and reply direct if you like -
