Subject: madhatter#40.tar.gz and LCIII Report
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Carter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/01/1997 15:01:37
Hello All
Having got madhatter#40.tar.gz to try on the Q610 I thought I might as well
try it on the LCIII (Clocked to 33Mhz a la "clockchipping" web page)
LCIII spec is :-
20MB RAM / 160MB internal Mac HD
External 1GB IBM HD with Mac and BSD / Swap partitions.
Sonic LC Thin Ethernet Car in PDS slot.
14 inch Apple Trinitron display.
madhatter#40 works on the above system
The Sonic LC ethernet card works fine.
ps is broken so I am using procps instead
X is sort of working (I don't yet understand the finer points of X)
and boy is it faster than the SE/30 :-)
Paul Carter
* Paul Carter * Administrator * MacLincs BBS *
* FirstClass System * Hayes Optima 288 vfast * 2 Lines+44 (0)1427 718950 *
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* OneNet Mail:- Paul Carter,MacLincs *