Subject: Re: Strange chime and not working
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jaime Kikpole <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/01/1997 01:18:09
> A broken motherboard could cause the chime, but would be more likely to
> cause the mac not to make a chime at all. Check for obvious things, like
> make sure there's a processor in it, the ram is in bank A, the ram is
> all the same speed(not sure if this would cause this to happen, but you
> never know...), and make sure the processor/roms/ram/mmu/etc... are all
> snugly fitted in their sockets.  My MacII had that last problem when I
> first got it, but a good push on the processor card got it working. Be
> sure not to press down on it too hard though!

     This might help:  I received two MacIIx's at the same time.  One had 4
SIMMs in bank B (as I've just learned) and its HD data and HD power cables
could handle 2 hard drives.  The other IIx had cables for one drive and no
SIMMs.  Both give a chime.  Neither has HD or floppy and supposedly neither
would come with RAM, although one of them seemed to.  :)  They essencially
seem to be logic boards in cases with power supplies and some cables that
don't lead anywhere.  I have one MacII video card that I've been putting in
these Macs.  Oh, and they both have what appears to be a ROM.  When I take
it out, they don't even chime.

     Any ideas?
