Subject: Re: 1001st time: X in color
To: None <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/30/1997 09:21:23
> If I remember right, is somebody out there who has X in color running on
> a IIvx? Please e-mail me, ok?

Ok, I figure this is as good a time as any to update everybody.

First some FAQ for those of you just joining in:

I'm the guy working on internal video. Unfortunately, I am also the guy
working on a Masters in Computer Science :) so I've been a little bogged
down in work for the last few months. Somtime in March I made a 1.2
kernel that had driver code for IIvx internal video so that you could
run X in color. It worked quite well and I was thinking about releasing
a test kernel. However, much of the code was generalizable and I got a
bunch of information on many different internal video types. So I've
been holding off releasing anything until I make a generalized intvid
driver that supports a few more machines than my lowly IIvx.

Right now:

We recently finished our acedemic quarter at RIT and I'm on break until
Monday. I've decided I want to make a serious effort to get a test
release out in the next few weeks. So hold on to your seats! I may have
something pretty soon.

I'm currently converting the specific IIvx driver into a software driver
and hardware driver. The driver model is such that once I port the IIvx
code and it works, adding a new video hardware type is as simple as
adding a C file that has a few standard functions that do the smallest
possible twiddling with hardware.

There are still some issuses that have to be worked out but I think
people are getting anxious and I'd like to release something. For
instance, VRAM has to be sized in the kernel properly, and I have
to add some code to deal with multiple resolutions. The code
is flexible enough, though, that I can leave out some of this
stuff in an early release and put it in later with minimal pain.

Sorry this is taking so long folks!

Thanks for your patience!