Subject: Re: quotas and other things
To: Paul Goyette <>
From: tcjam <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/1997 22:38:24
On Thu, 29 May 1997, Paul Goyette wrote:

> > 3. I installed X (when I had space, its since been deleted) and when I
> > typed startx it came up with a white screen and some specs on my video and
> > then just stoped. Does anyone know what's wrong?
> Sounds like you didn't completely delete X.  Look for the startx program:
> 	which startx
> and delete it.

It seems I confused a few people in this. I had all the x components
installed when I got this white screen. Everything I found in the 1.2 dir
and the xserver.091195 that I saw all over the FAQ :) I just recently 'rm
-rf /usr/X11R6' because I only have 100 mb of space to work with and I'm
downloading the source for 1.2.1

BTW, since the GENERICSBC#26 is the only kernel that works for me I'd be
very interested if someone could give me a copy of all the configurations
it was compiled with.