Subject: Re: Beginner questions
To: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
From: Jesse Swensen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/16/1997 14:25:59
At 9:45 AM -0500 5/16/97, The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] wrote:
>On Fri, 16 May 1997, Jesse Swensen wrote:
>> I have a couple of questions regarding some problems I am having.
>> First, when UNIX boots is will run a fsck, correct?  When it does it always
>> reports
>Boot single user, then do
>fsck -f /dev/sdxx

Worked beautifully. Thank you.

>where xx is the appropriate partition, and hit y instead of n and it
>should fix things.  Is the above a result of a crash or did it just do
>that initially?  If B., what kernel are you using, and what variety of HD
>is this on?  (Sorry about ending with a preposition, but....)

I think it has always had this problem.  Kernel? NetBSD 1.2.1 (GENERIC).

>> I am using a SE/30, 8meg ram, 200meg UNIX partition, and a MacCon ethernet
>> by Asante. I have a PowerMac 7600 and a Compaq 486 on my little network all
>> running ethernet.  I can communicate between the 7600 and PC not the SE/30.
>Are you running MkLinux on the 7600?  Just curious.

I have been, but with no serial support and the 7600 being a source of
income, it has only been for fun.  I wanted to use the SE/30 for an
internet gateway for the 2-3 other machines on my little network.  There is
a port in progress for a 68k version of linux.  I would like that.  There
seems to be a lot more information about linux.

>Don't know about the hostname.ae0 (never set up a box on ethernet, just
>ppp), but as far as I can tell, the other files look okay.  I assume it
>recognizes the ethernet card at boot, no warnings or errors there, right?
>Have you tried ping, etc.?

No problems with the card. I get an OK at boot on the UNIX side.  And it
works on the MacOS side as well.  I can ping minimac and localhost so the
localhost is working, but it doesn't show up in the routing tables

When doing a netstat -rn I get:

Destination		Gateway		Flags	...	Interface	UGHS		lo0 =>		link#1		UC		ae0		link#1		UHL		ae0	UH		lo0

And netstat -ain produces:

Name	Mtu	Network		Address		...
ae0	1500	<Link>
ae0	1500

ppp0*	1500	<Link>
ppp1*	1500	<Link>
lo0	32768	<Link>
lo0	32768	127
sl0*	296	<Link>

Any Ideas???



Jesse Swensen        111 Vashon CT.       (919) 481-3480 (home)       Cary, NC  27513      (919) 481-3363 (FAX)

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