Subject: Re: Beginner questions
To: Jesse Swensen <>
From: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/16/1997 09:45:41
On Fri, 16 May 1997, Jesse Swensen wrote:

> I have a couple of questions regarding some problems I am having.
> First, when UNIX boots is will run a fsck, correct?  When it does it always
> reports
> 	CORRECT? no
> 	....
> 	SALVAGE? no
> I have run fsck myself with the same results.  I realize there is a
> problem, but how do I fix it?

Boot single user, then do

fsck -f /dev/sdxx

where xx is the appropriate partition, and hit y instead of n and it
should fix things.  Is the above a result of a crash or did it just do
that initially?  If B., what kernel are you using, and what variety of HD
is this on?  (Sorry about ending with a preposition, but....)

> I am using a SE/30, 8meg ram, 200meg UNIX partition, and a MacCon ethernet
> by Asante. I have a PowerMac 7600 and a Compaq 486 on my little network all
> running ethernet.  I can communicate between the 7600 and PC not the SE/30.

Are you running MkLinux on the 7600?  Just curious.  Don't know about the
hostname.ae0 (never set up a box on ethernet, just ppp), but as far as I
can tell, the other files look okay.  I assume it recognizes the ethernet
card at boot, no warnings or errors there, right?  Have you tried ping,
etc.?  And if your filesystem is corrupted, it probably is dropping into
single user for you to fix it, and little, if anything network-wise should
work unless you're in multi-user (even starting up daemons fails as they
can't bind to the port in single). 

Hope that helps,