Subject: Re: Q610
To: James Snow <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/14/1997 17:41:37
> > How much ram do you have, what extentions are you using, how much
> > disk space, .... does your computer have a full 68040, or a 68LC040
> > (do programs think they have an FPU, a Floating Point math Unit)?
> > Excel (for one) should tell you.
> 16MB, none save the Iomega driver, MODE32, and AppleShare. 699MB the
> majority of which is allocated for BSD. A real 25mhz 68040.
A Q610 doesn't need MODE32. A real 040 is good.
> I get copyright notices, it notices what machine I'm using, how much RAM
> I have, a few other things and then the trap, followed by a dump of the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's exactly what we need.
> registers and the kernel stack.
> AppleTalk is off, nothing is connected to either serial port, and I'm
> attempting this with 1.2.1.
Try the snapshot on in
> Can't think of anything else of significance.
> I'd be happy to send the exact output to the list if someone will tell me
> a way to log it all. It wouldn't be much fun to type up by hand. :)
There are two things you can do. One is to hook another computer up
to the printer port, run a terminal emulator on it set to 9600 N1,
and set the Serial Echo option in the booter. This option will dump
everything out the printer port.
The other option is to copy it all by hand. It's frustrating, but we
really can't help if you don't. The last few lines (say 8 or so) will be
a good start. Spelling errors are ok.
Take care,