Subject: Re: Q610
To: James Snow <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/14/1997 13:02:00
> I apologize. I have pathetically limited knowledge of assembly or what of 
> the screen dump will be helpful. 
> Guess I'll just wait for the next version. 

Survey says.... Bzt!

You don't have to know what's useful. Send us the whole thing, or
at least the lines just before the hang.

I assume it got as far as blanking the screen and printing the copyright
message. If so, you don't need to send any debugging info from the
booter. Just info from the screen.

How much ram do you have, what extentions are you using, how much
disk space, .... does your computer have a full 68040, or a 68LC040
(do programs think they have an FPU, a Floating Point math Unit)?
Excel (for one) should tell you.

Since most of the developpers don't have the machines which are
having problems, we need info from other users.

Take care,
