Subject: Re: IIsi doesn't boot 1.2.1
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/12/1997 17:54:41
> Hello,
> I am having a difficult time getting NetBSD 1.2.1 to boot on my IIsi.
> I have the following configuration:
> IIsi, 17MB RAM, external 100MB hard drive partitioned into 70MB
> root&user slice 0 and 30MB to swap space (partitioned with HDT 1.8),
> FPU on PDS card (gives Nubus slot), and System 7.5.5. (I am in 32 bit
> memory mode).

I'm running on a IIsi w/ 17 MB RAM, a different hard disk, FPU/NuBus,
32 bit mode, and System 7.1. So it should work for you in principle.

> The following problem occurs whether extensions are enabled or disabled
> on startup, and regardless of monitor bit depth (1 bit or 8 bit):
> After the packages are installed (I have tried a full install and a
> base install), I run the booter (either single user or multi-user)
> successfully, and NetBSD boots up until the copyright notice, and
> then just hangs there. Sometimes it gets beyond the copyright notice
> (but not by much). The very first time it got farthest, showing info
> about ADB and then stopping on a line about ASC. Since then, the best
> I have been able to do is this screen:

[ snip ]

Are you on a LocalTalk network? If so, unhook it during boot.

Take care,
