Subject: premature EOF using Installer 1.1e
To: <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nicholas Ritter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/04/1997 21:45:00
Ignore my previous messages, cause I figured out the problem. Thanks to 
those who helped me figure it out.

But now I have another problem, this time using the Installer version 
I am installing onto one partition, which is over 100 megs in size.

I'm using the Installer 1.1e, and I am installing the base121 file. The 
installer works fine, but then eventually, it starts having an error 
that says: 

Premature end of file reached

The console says this conintually. Then eventually it say's forced quit.

I have d/led the base121 file as both a binary and as text, as well as 
from different sites. And ideas as to what the problem is?
