Subject: Re: NetBSD and IOMEGA ZIP
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Hawkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/03/1997 09:51:00
> Hi all,  Can I install NetBSD on a ZIP, so I can use with my LCII?

Yes.  generally check the recent archives, but you can, and i've done 
it.  You must, however, use an SBC kernel (for the differetn scsi 

I think that it's sbc.16 that is compatible with the 1.2.1 release 
(someone correct me if i'm wrong).

Also, ignore the zip-howto.  Get mkfs1.4, and replace the first 0 in teh 
suggestions it pops up with with 64.

Also, if you use the modified hd/sc (and some otheres) to format, you 
must save a tiny partition at the end of the disk.  Delete the mac 
partition, put on a partiton you want (say, 80mb), then a swap (say, 
20mb), then a 1k swap (or whatever).  Mkfs1.4 misses the last partition 
written by hd/sc.  *do not* make this partition first; it must be the 
last logical partition (physical doesn't matter).
