Subject: Re: modem, terminal and PPP
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/02/1997 14:16:12
> 1. I'd like to be able to make login via a modem. I was able to do it
> via a serial port via 'getty", but following the instrucions on the
> manual, I tried to to the same for the modem at 2400 opening the
> correct port. What happens is that the computer newer answers the
> phone when called (ata) ant that the modem continues to get "send" and
> "received" from and to the copmputer, like beieng connected, but this
> happens even without a phone line. Every9one can help i na simple and
> plain manner?
I think you need to set the number of rings to wait for to something
non-zero to get it to answer. The default these days is to not answer.
The constant data flow is probably accompanied by a lot of getty respawning
or bad login problems.
Either the modem's asserting DCD all the time, or you have the local
flag set for the port. You need to fix this as the idea is that getty
gets blocked when it tries to open the tty until there's something there
(DCD goes up).
> 2. I have an account on my local provider, to which I am able to
> connect, under mac, via FreePPP or MacPPP and TCP/IP or MacTCP. I get
> a dynamic IP. Am I able to cxonnect un der UNIX using the modem, so
> that I can use telnet, telnet3270 and ftp? Thanks :-)
Yes. There's a ppp kit on puma, and info in the FAQ. I also think the
meta-FAQ has links to ppp help pages. Since you have a dynamic address,
you can't use dial-on-demand.
Take care,