Subject: Re: Organization of MacBSD
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Leonard <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/01/1997 07:51:29
Subject: Re: Organization of MacBSD
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 20:47:23 +1000 (EST)

In dstc.mail.netbsd.port-mac68k you write:

> 4. Experiences with the -current snapshots should be put on a web page,
>    even if they "were mentioned on the list some time ago". Could be done
>    through the FAQ-o-matic engine being used for MkLinux, or be maintained
>    by someone.
> 5. And those experiences should be gathered, both good and bad. For a novice,
>    a "works fine on my ...." can be quite helpful :-)

Maybe a script distributed with NetBSD could automagically detect a new
kernel at boot (/kern/version?) and after (say) 10 minutes, issue a wall
that suggests the user runs 'netbsd-sendexp' (send experience) which 
gives a sendbug-like template for logging the experience with the kernel
and sending it off to a magical mail to database to web gateway 

volunteers? :)

(this should go to the macbsd web mailing list whose address i've forgotten)

David Leonard
School of Information Technology	Room:69-501  Ph:+61 7 3365 3223
The University of Queensland
    ``Now you, too, can be as amazingly famous as Gerhyd Nerrin!!''