Subject: Re: dt-1.1.5 Problems and other stuff too.
To: Jason S. <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/23/1997 19:37:36
> I don't think that dt leaves processes running.  It just doesn't remove
> the entries from /var/run/utmp (?) for the various jobs.
> Right now w tells me I have 30 users on board.  'Tain't the case.
> If you echo "" > /var/run/utmp you can reset your machine (of course,
> the entru for your currently running session will be zapped too...)

Since utmp is a binary file, it might be better to cat /dev/null >
/var/run/utmp so you don't get a stray newline in there.

Take care,
