Subject: Re: DAFB on Q700 Re: GENERIC-27 and the Q630
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/21/1997 22:28:55
> I have always tested the madhatter-kernels with my Mac set to
> black/white because of running X.
> If I boot NetBSD in true-color, the kernel did not use the
> internal-video at all.
> In the last few days i accidently booted NetBSD with a madhatter#39 in 
> true-color and - what a surprice - it uses the internal video in a
> white on black mode and it detects a DAFB on Sense 1.
> It wasn't possible to start X and the printing on the screen was VERY
> slow(one or two lines per secound), but it's works. :-)

Excellent! I sent these patches in to Allen a few days ago. Everybody
should be able to boot in 16 bit mode now.

BTW, the reason it's white on black in that mode is because zero in
that mode maps to black and white maps to 0xffff unlike the lower
modes where zero maps to white and black maps to 0xff. If you
absolutely need some other color you'll have to wait for the
intvid kernels :)