Subject: Re: tty's/ttyp's/ptty's
To: Albert Carter <>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/13/1997 15:14:08
>Here's an interesting problem that I've got.  When I'm running x.  I type
>in startx when I do this it brings up 2 xterms an xclock and a login
>window.  If I'm connected to the internet if I go to open another xterm it
>gives me an error saying that it cannot open another xterm because there
>are no ptty's available.  Also if I go to telnet into my machine when
>running X it gives me the same error I believe.  Is there any way of
>creating more ptty's or whatever to stop this.  Also would this affect
>people trying to telnet in from remote machines, people trying to ftp into
>my unix box, and/or people trying to view a website when I get it set up?
>If so this is something I really need to fix.

type "/dev/MAKEDEV pty0" to alleviate this problem. do this when you're not
in x. if you need additional tty's, replace the pty0 in that command with
pty1, pty2, etc. i think each one allows 16 more tty's.
  - a