Subject: Re: NetBSD1.2 - gcc fatal error >*(
To: <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/08/1997 12:30:21
>>Hi all!
>>I'm another new NetBSD user. I've installed NetBSD1.2 current on a Mac
>>IIci 5meg with
>>40meg hd and mounting a 100meg zip while booting (i had to force fstab
>>manually to get it mounted). Everything works well exept gcc, it crashes
>>most of the time complaining:
>> cc1 got fatal signal 4
>>or signal 11. It doesn't even work on small programms like tinyirc (it
>>did work dt) I've linked the include dir to the zip drive and gcc, cc1
>>etc to / from the zip. Is this the reason?

One thing no one has mentioned.  I had exactly the same problems with
cc1 about a month ago.  And I have 24MB of main memory and 48MB of swap.
A recompile of "gcc" fixed the problem for me.  Which date of -current
gcc do you have installed?  If possible, grab the very latest source
and recompile.  It's probably not the same problem, but then again, it
might be.

Steve Brown,

>how much swap space do you have? if you have none, that 5 meg memory
>blockage is a pretty big set back in accomplishing anything, especially
>compiling. :\
>To get swap space, you need to reinitialize the root partition (partition
>where the kernel is - whether it is the 40MB or the 100MB zip), installing
>the driver, then the swap space, then the root&usr (or just root)
>partition. the reason you want swap space first is because it's supposed to
>be acting like virtual ram, and the outer edge of the physical disk in the
>hard drive is where data starts getting written to, and has the most
>circumference per turn, which in turn means more speed than the latter
>sectors on the hard disk, the ones nearer the center, which are probably
>slower. so this is ultimately optimizing the speed of your hard drive, i
>guess :)
>swap space *must* be on the same drive as the root partition, but i think
>there's a way to get around that by some patch or another kernel - i am not
>sure, never needed to do that. someone else probably knows.
>As a general rule, you should put twice as much swapspace on your drive as
>ram (i.e., 5MB RAM x 2 = 10MB swap space) but you might want more because
>that is indeed a small amount of RAM. this is a general rule, too. i have
>20MB ram and 32MB swap, for example, which isn't following any rules :)
>>Another problem i have is with gzip. It almost everytime fails with a crc
>>error. This all could be a download error as well (with gcc failing
>>because of strange characters). I'd be really happy if someone can help
>i think this comes from attempting to un-gzip binary files accidently
>downloaded as text. type "binary" in the ftp program to automatically
>download binary for default (for that ftp session). maybe this has to do
>with a limited memory limit, too, if that happens to be your problem.
>good luck,
>  - a