Subject: Re: netbsd-sbc20 (and -current) problems
To: Charles Sebold <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/02/1997 09:37:41
>>>> I think this is because some of the binariesa and the kernel you are
>>>> using are out of sync.  You should get the lastest binaries from
>>>> or you could get the -current sources and just recompile those programs
>>>> that are giving you problems.
>That may fix his problem, but I just downloaded -current's of both kernel
>source _and_ ps and compiled them, and still get the proc size mismatch
>error.  I'm guessing this just means that sometimes the kernel source gets
>updated before the maintainer(s) get around to fixing ps?  Or am I missing
>something else?

The problem isn't so much that ps and the like are out of date, they are
(binaries that is, not the source), but rather that the kvm library (again
the binary on your system not the source) that is used to build these types
of programs (ps et al) is out of sync with the kernel (since neither
building the kernel nor ps builds libkvm) so when (for instance) ps calls a
libkvm routine to examine the proctab, the libkvm routine believes that
that data structure exists in one place when the newer kernel really has it
some place else, the solution is to rebuild the libkvm (or is it libkvm.old
on mac68k, I can't remember).

My problem has always been that cd'ing to /usr/src/lib/libkvm.old and
typing make has never worked for me (even with a sup of a few days ago) I
always get errors like "in function kvm_dbopen _PATH_KVMDB undeclared" and
I never have the energy to go find out why.

QUESTION: can anyone out there tell me what the magical invocation is to
rebuild libkvm.old in preparation for a rebuild of ps and the like?

Christopher R. Bowman
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