Subject: Re: Permission problems
To: T. Sean <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/31/1997 12:41:29
> >> Now I can't print, and lpd's log doesn't even show my attempts to print, 
> >> even though it shows my abortive attempts from before I had gs and the 
> >> stylewriter stuff set up.
> >
> >I don't quite know what is causing the above.  You might still be rather 
> >close to your disk limit, tho.
> IIRC, the last time I checked, after removing the games, I was still at 
> 95%.  At one time, I was at 105%  How does that happen?!

"100%" represents how full the users should be able to make the drive.
FFS file systems need some free space at all times to correctly function.
Somewhere between 7 and 10% typically. BAD things happen when this
free space disapears. Like extending a file runs into big trouble.

The FFS will break a block up into fragments. When you extend a file
which ends in a fragment, if there are no other fragments in that
block into which the file can grow, then the FFS copies that part to
a free block/fragment of the appropriate size. To work right, there
must be other free parts around. Thus "100%" is not a full disk.

> [snip again]
> >> I read through the "Red Book's" explanation of the setuid and sticky 
> >> bits, but I really don't know if that applies here.  I have also tried to 
> >> set the permissions on both of these files by using "chmod ug+s 
> >> ./portmap", but that didn't seem to work.
> >
> >Ah, the problem is that these files have become corrupted.  Are you using 
> >the ncrscsi driver on an '030-based Mac?  If so, you might consider 
> >changing to the SBC driver instead.  If you'll notice, the 'b' in the 
> >first column above indicates that these files are now block special files 
> >(i.e. block device interfaces), not very useful as executables ;-)  
> >You'll need to reinstall the base distribution to fix this.
> >
> I am using a IIci (68030).  The drive in question is also a Quantum GO 
> 160.  Doesn't the ncrscsi driver have a grudge for Quantum drives, or was 
> that something else about Quantum drives I am half-remembering?  Guess I 
> should have seen it coming.  Where can I get the SBC driver?  (I should 
> know by now.)
> Anyway, I re-installed base12, rebuilt devices (was that wrong?) and did 
> a "fsck -f".  I got a list of bad blocks that literally filled the length 
> of the screen.  Should I re-format and start over?  I think I may anyway, 
> and apply some things I have learned about compiling in the last few 
> weeks.

Some Quantums are fine. I have a Lightning 730, and haven't seemed to
have bad problems. Yet.

But your problems sound like the sbc driver might be required.

>             T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
>          71410.25
> ***************************************************
> Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn.

Very wise.

Take care,
