Subject: Re: IP Masking, monitors, et al.
To: Dan Jacobowitz <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/29/1997 15:17:30
> Is there a chance I could modify the kernel sources to simply not check
> for a monitor?  I considered leaving serial console spouting off into an
> empty port, but then I discovered I needed both of my serial
> ports...running PPP off the console is a recipe for disaster whenever
> error messages pop up.

I actually thought part of the problem was that MacOS didn't want to boot
w/o a monitor.

Also, if you modify /etc/syslogd.conf, you can make it so NO messages
normally get sent to the console. I'd still suggest a serial console,
but you should be able to keep ppp up on it. W/ syslogd changed,
the only thing which will put up error messages is the innards of the
kernel itself, when something panics.

(There are two ways the console gets accessed. One is via special console
subroutines, which are used during autoconfig, and when the kernel
panics. The other is via the device over which the console sits. Changing
/etc/syslogd.conf should take care of the letter. symlinking /dev/console
to /dev/null should do it too).

> So I would like to make a mutilated kernel that would simply discard all
> video without redirecting to serial console- a true headless kernel.
> Any ideas on this or the effect of shorting the pins?

No. The kernel goes looking for console devices, and picks the highest
priority one. The priorities are (the names are off):


No "CN_DEAD" console device is ever chosen. Normally the serial ports
show up as a "CN_NORMAL" device, and the video as an "CN_INTERNAL". As
"CN_INTERNAL" is higher priority, the video's chosen. If you choose
serial console, the serial console line is set to "CN_REMOTE". Thus it
is chosen.

If you hack out the video stuff, then the serial port will become the

My strong suggestion is to just use the paperclip. Messing with the
console could well break other parts of the kernel. Plus you can't
swap kernels around easily.

Shorting the pins makes the Mac think there's a monitor when there's not.

Take care,
