Subject: Re: First install
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <71410.25@CompuServe.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/28/1997 19:24:00
On 28.03.97, Henry B. Hotz, wrote,

>No one can give you any blanket guarantees.  If you are only a dial-up then
>you are only vulnerable while you are connected.  The general rule is to
>make sure you have hard-to-guess passwords on everything, and disable any
>network access/protocol that you don't need.  The Unix Sysadmin book that
>everyone on this list recommends (ISBN 0-13-151051-7) has a nice (and
>reasonably short!) summary of the subject.

>There are a couple of probe programs that will search for known
>configuration problems and vulnerabilities:  Satan is the one with the
>catchy name, and I forget the name of the other/better one.

As coincidence would have it, the latest edition of the book you 
recommended comes with a CDROM carrying version 1.1.1 of satan.  It also 
comes with version 1.04 of cops.

A short WWW excursion to (with whom I have no financial 
relationship) and a search on "Unix System Administration Handbook", will 
provide the object of desire.



                 T. Sean (Theo) Schulze  
Custom reconciles us to everything.  -- Edmund Burke