Subject: Re: First install
To: Albert Carter <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/28/1997 13:34:24

Following up on one reply:

> At 10:37 PM 3/27/97, Albert Carter wrote:
> >2) Does the security files need to be installed?  I plan on setting up a
> >web server/ftp server and possible have the ability for others to log into
> >my computer via telnet as well sometime in the future.
> AFAIK the security tarball only gets you kerberos (well maybe -lcrypt).
> Don't need it for normal use.

Being in japan, I do not have the security installed.  I have also not
bothered to install un-secr yet.  Still, I have never had any problems
compiling iwth the -lcrypt switch.

> >4) What are the limitations of NetBSD 1.2 on a Mac IIsi?

A slow processor.  
> Not much (as long as you have enough memory and disk).  It's real BSD Unix.
> Period.  (Is that arrogant enough?)
>5) This one I'm really not sure belongs here but I figure I'll take a stab
>at it.  I plan on getting X installed.  I've been looking around and on
> they have a new color X for NetBSD on the macintosh.  Has

The stock X server runs in monochrome (not greyscale) because the kernel
support for color is limited to a few models (actually Nubus cards).  In
other words, whether you can use color X depends on the model of your Mac
and your video card.  I have a IIcx with a Nubus video card and I run X in
color (albeit rather slowly).  I also have a Centris 650 which is much
snappier than the IIcx, but only runs b/w X off of the internal video.

Anyone out theree, Does color support exist for the IIsi?

I should mention that some good people are hard at work egtting color X
running on the internal video of several Mac models.  So if you cannot run
color X on your IIsi now, it is only a matter of time before you can.

Mark Andres             E-mail:
    Running NetBSD and 100% Microsoft Free!