Subject: Re: printer madness!
To: xiamin <>
From: Joel Klecker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/24/1997 18:17:40
1997-03-23 at approximately 5:16 PM -0800, xiamin wrote:
> does the apple style writer work with netbsd?
Yes, with Monroe Williams' "Non-MacOS" StyleWriter driver at
> also i just my hands on a laser writer IIsc, it connects via scsi (there
> is also a adb port on the scares me) could this thing work too?
The LW IIsc is not a PostScript printer, and furthermore, I don't think
NetBSD knows how to talk to SCSI printers. As for the ADB port, I believe
that the other members of the LaserWriter II family have this as well, It
was supposed to accommodate printer peripherals (like auto-collaters or
something of that nature), but I don't think any such peripherals were ever
Joel Klecker ( <>
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