Subject: Starting X-Windows on a Centris
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stefan Wirker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/18/1997 13:23:07
I use NetBSD 1.2 for two weeks on my Macintosh at home with the
new madhatter#37 kernel. It works fine so far. The UnixBench from
BYTE computed about 35000 Drystones for my Centris 610 (with MC68040
tuned to 33 MHz), a result that is o.k.
I have trouble with the X-Window system; I never got it running. The
installation of the packages (xbase12, xcomp12 and xserver12) caused
no problems. The FAQ about the ldconfig -m /usr/X11R6/lib I have read
and made the changes in the /etc/rc.local .
When I start the X server with "startx" or "xinit" the following mess-
ages appear on the terminal:
|centris:/root> startx |
| |
| |
|waiting for X server to begin accepting connections |
|Fatal server error: |
|Failed to establish all listening sockets |
| |
|xinit: Interrupted system call (errno 4): unable to connect to X server |
|xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error |
| |
|centris:/root> |
I noticed that the ps command is not executable under NetBSD 1.2 with
madhatter#37 kernel. So I grabbed the current (a February) base package
and installed it over the existing system. The ps command works, but if
I start the system in the /etc/rc.local the fsck -p have trouble. After
typing ^d at the # prompt the start process goes on and I can work further
after the login.
A Centris user in this mailing list ( gave the advise to
reinstall all X-Window packages because they may be corrupt after downloading.
Can anyone else give me an answer how to interpret the error messages after
executing the xinit command. I've tried to start X-Windows in several combi-
(1) NetBSD 1.2 AND madhatter#37 AND xserver12, xbase12 and xcomp12
(2) NetBSD 1.2 AND madhatter#37 AND base (current) AND x****12
(3) NetBSD 1.2 AND madhatter#37 AND base (current) AND xbase12 AND
a newer X server
Thanks for every hint,
PS: Do I have to "reMAKEDEV" the grf0 and grf1 after using the madhatter#37
instead of the GENERIC#25 ?
Stefan Wirker