Subject: Re: missing lib in xbase12? still problem with xhfs
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/17/1997 13:59:05
> I've installed the binaries xfig, tcl7.4 and tk4.2 binaries from
> NetBSD/amiga.
> When i try to start xfig I get something about a missing libXpm.
> I searched the xbase12-file and there is no libXpm in this file.
the XPM library is not part of the standard X distribution, but is
instead a user contributed library. You can probably get a pre-compiled
binary off of a NetBSD-Amiga mirror, or you can find the source in the
contrib/libraries directory at (or one of its mirrors).
> When I try to compile tcl-tools of hfsutils2.0 i get an error about
> tcl7.4.
> I've tried to change the lib-path an the option from -ltcl7.4 to
> -ltcl74 as mentioned here befor, but nothing helped.
> In /usr/local/lib is a link "tcl7.4" that points to
> "/usr/local/tcl7.4/lib/tcl7.4/" is this right?
By default, the linker only looks in one directory for libraries: /usr/lib
If your tck & tk libraries are somewhere else, you need to specify where
they are by adding a
(or wherever the libtcl74.a file is). Usually, there is a LDFLAGS
variable that this is attached to (I think that's the right one).
Finally, when the linker is looking for a library specified by the -l
option, it looks for whatever follows the -l with a 'lib' prepended to
it and a '.a' appended to it. So you need to have -ltcl74 because the
tcl library is usually libtcl74.a, not libtcl7.4.a.
Does the above make any sense? If not, please describe your file
structure (like exactly where your libraries are and what they are
named), and perhaps I can figure it out further...
> Maybe it is an error because of the NetBSD/amiga-binaries, but
> I couldn't find any tcl and tk distribution that compiles on my Q700.
> I used the tcl7.4.bin11.tar.gz from NetBSD/amiga.
I had no problems that I can remember getting both tcl and tk to compile
on my IIci. I believe that they both compiled straight out of the box.
I hope this helps.
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX