Subject: IIci X Window problems
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <71410.25@CompuServe.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1997 18:02:00
I am trying to run X on a IIci, but I have yet to get it to work. I
re-directed the standard error output to a file "x.errfile" when I tried
to start X with the command:
~-->startx 2>~/x.errfile
X begins to start, and the screen blanks to white. Then a textured
screen appears with a cursor in the center in the shape of an X. This
lasts for several seconds, and then I get a completely white screen with
my system prompt "~-->" at the bottom. The file x.errfile reads:
Screen 0 at 0x41ad000, 640 by 480, rowB, fbbase 0xbf5000.
/usr/libexec/ /usr/libexec/ Undefined symbol
"_scrollbarWidgetClass" in xterm:xterm
/usr/libexec/ Undefined symbol "_scrollbarWidgetClass" in
Undefined symbol "_scrollbarWidgetClass" in xterm:xterm
/usr/libexec/ Undefined symbol "^LK\xfb\xd8" in
waiting for X server to shut down
I checked /dev and grf0 and grf1 exist. I also did a dmesg, and there
are lines that read:
intvid0 at obio0: Internal Video
intvid0: 640 x 480, monochrome (I changed to one-bit color
before boot)
grf0 at intvid0
I have the recommended ldconfig line in /etc/rc.local and the if
statement from FAQ para. 9.4 in my /etc/rc.
What am I missing?
T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
Hope is not a course of action. (But prayer is a combat multiplier.)