Subject: Re[2]: Help - Mkfs fails with 1024 byte hw sectors!
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kyle McKay <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/12/1997 17:55:46
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>>I have a hard disk with lots of mac data on it.  I was trying to add some 
>>partitions.  However, the actual block size (reported by Hard Disk 
>>Toolkit) is
>>1024 bytes, NOT 512 bytes.
>>If I leave mkfs 1.2 at the default settings, it ends up reporting the 
>>is have the size that it really is when it's finished.
>I think that's because the code is using sectorsize rather than 
>bytes/sector to calcualte what it thinks the size of the partiton is.
>>If I change Bytes/Sector (Hardware) to 1024, it makes no difference.  If I
>>change Sector Size to 1024, then it crashes with a divide by zero error 
>>when I
>>hit the format button.
>Changing Byte/Sector (Hardware) to 1024 is probably the right thing to 
>do. Changing the Sector Size isn't, since that's really the "logical" 
>size not the physical size. The divide by zero is probably due to integer 
>division where 512/1024 = 0.
>>Tell me the truth.  Do I have to reformat the whole hard disk back to 512 
>>blocks to use it with Mkfs/NetBSD?  (Hoping not...)
>I don't think so. Have you tried just using the partition after it was 
>mkfs formatted with a Bytes/Sector (Hardware) size set to 1024?

Installer 1.1d crashes on startup when it attempts to mount the / partition.  No
matter what I do.  I'm thinking the file system code is not compatible with
 > 512 bytes per block when it's talking to the SCSI manager.

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  (IMA Internet Exchange 2.1 Enterprise) id 0010A224; Wed, 12 Mar 97 17:45:48
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id AA16459
  (5.67a/IDA1.5hp for <>); Wed, 12 Mar 1997 19:39:17 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Help - Mkfs fails with 1024 byte hw sectors!
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 97 19:40:05 -0600
From: Bob Nestor <>
To: "Kyle McKay" <>
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