Subject: Re: 3/9/97 kernel on Q650...
To: Stephen C. Brown <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/11/1997 08:36:53
> +               if(cpui->class != MACH_CLASSAV)
> +               {
> +                         mac68k_vidlog = mac68k_vidphys = 0xf9000000;
> +                         mac68k_vidlen = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
> +               }

Hmmm...  You might want to make that 2MB.  That's what I have in my
Q700, anyway.  Granted, it's only _using_ a small part of that since 
it's not running on much of a display (actually, nothing's attached
right now--I'm running off an Apple 2-page display NuBus card ;-).

> If anyone's interested, the old "madhatter" patch just involved
> changing the line in grfiv_match() in grf_iv.c that read:
>         if(!internal_video_found || (mac68k_vidlog == 0 ))
> to read:
>         if(!internal_video_found)
> This basically has the effect of letting the video go ahead and
> exist at whereever it is(typically address 0).

Actually, this should have had no effect.  mac68k_vidlog is the virtual
address of the video memory which should never be 0 unless it's not
configured.  Unless I'm missing something, which is eminently possible.


              Allen Briggs - end killing -