Subject: Re: Help - Color X Kernal Hangs!
To: None <>
From: Masami and Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/11/1997 09:43:37
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997 11:49:23 -0800, (Kyle McKay) wrote:
> Any ideas?
Yes, besides the things Taras's already said:
1. The color X server should work on the SE/30 internal video once you
get a color kernel to run on it, since my SE/30 was the very first
NetBSD/mac68k box that ran the color server. Your configuration is
very close to that of mine (back then).
2. What error message (need exact quote) do you get running the color
> Xserver at this time, but all that accomplished was an error message
> and reseting the XCEED board back to 1-bit mode.