Subject: Re: help getting perl going
To: Max Leek <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/1997 20:07:18
> I've transferred perl 5.002 (from puma) to a Mac Classic II running netBSD.
> I'm new to un*x, but I want to learn to use perl.
> When I run the configure program, whether or not I select the -d flag, the
> program quits when it can't find a "hints" file to cd to, and then can't
> open /UU/myread.
> Specifically, after it determines that this is my first time through the
> configuration program, it says:
> cd: can't cd to hints.
> ls: *.sh: No such file or directory.
> [Then two lines of instructions]
> .: Can't open ../UU/myread
> There is a myread file; there isn't a hints directory.
> I'm looking for a way to either use the Configure script or an alternate
> way to build a configuration file.

Hmmm...I don't quite know what would be causing the above, other your 
having installed it in a slightly different location than it was 
originally configured to handle.  I'd recommend grabbing 5.003 and 
compiling it (it only took a few hours last night, although it maight 
take you a full day on a Classic II )-:


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX