Subject: Re: Mosaic or Netscape
To: Matthew Becker <>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/1997 08:55:54
>Does anybody know where I can get a copy of Mosaic or Netscape for Netbsd?
>I have been looking all over and all I find is FreeBSD 386 stuff.

You can get Mosaic 2.7bx from

but Netscape hasn't been ported (and, unless NetBSD/mac becomes a powerful
force in the Un*x-clone world or one of the Netscape Engineering team
leaders is a closet 680x0-Mac user, probably never will).

I (and I know a few others) have had trouble with the Amiga port of b5
asking for a shared library I don't seem to have, but b3 seems to work OK
for the most part.

Has anyone tried porting that new W3C browser yet?  (Not Arena, I don't
remember the name right now.)

Also, I am happy to point out (sorry if everyone already knew this) that
Apache 1.2b6 now compiles out of the box for NetBSD!  Very nice, big
improvement over NCSA (IMHO).

I                                     I
I Charles Sebold, Pontifex Macintosh  I
I CWW Computers, Inc.                 I
I 2497A Adie Rd.                      I
I St. Louis, MO  63043                I
I WWW:      I
I                                     I
I       La compagnie c'est moi.       I
I                                     I