Subject: Re: CD File System
To: None <>
From: Masami and Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/1997 09:04:57
On Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:59:44 -0500 (EST),
Tommy Tarka <> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, has anyone attempted to run their file-system off of
> a CD?  I was just thinking how I have such little money and such little 
> disk space, but have a 12x cd-rom and a cd burner, so why not burn things
> like emacs, X, motif, etc. into a CD and mount that as a file-system?
> Comments on the praticality of this?  I remember that running FreeBSD
> off the CD was slow, but that was 4x, and, disk-speed wasn't really a
> problem.

This should certainly be do-able, though you still have to locate the
swap partition elsewhere (you can't have a swap on CD, can you? ;-).
Oh, forget about the swap.  You'd have to build a custom kernel anyway.

Will the following config line work?:

config		netbsd	root on cd0 type cd9660 swap on sd0
