Subject: Re: Partitions and superblocks
To: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <71410.25@CompuServe.COM>
From: Rolf Braun <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/02/1997 11:37:25
>>>In the last week I acquired a Quantum Maverick 540MB HD which I
>>>partitioned into two equal MacOS partitions using FWB HD Tool Kit.  I
>>>then ran mkfs 1.4 on the partitions to change them to NetBSD usr
>>>filesystems and then formatted them. (Did I do this backwards?) I
>>>"cpout"'d my fstab and changed it to reflect the two new partitions.
>>>Specifically, my old fstab read:
>>1. You really should have created A/UX partitions, not MacOS partitions.
>Well, I'm not sure how I would have done that.  FWD HD ToolKit allows
>only a number of options.  Granted, "Custom" is one of the options, but
>mkfs 1.4 is also supposed to be able to make ufs filesystems out of MacOS
>partitions.  So why not make two equal MacOS partitions, and then change
>them using mkfs?  Is there a difference between MacOS partitions and A/UX
>partitions that is significant to what I am trying to do?

Never mind about that, I stand corrected. You can use MacOS partitions.

You still need to make sure that you're not formatting the disk after
running mkfs; as I said, just format/partition, then run mkfs, which does
all the NetBSD-style formatting necessary.

One thing to watch out for: if you create MacOS partitions, you must
unmount them (drag 'em to the trash) in the Finder BEFORE you run mkfs to
convert them to NetBSD partitions.

So, try these steps:

1. Reformat/repartition your HD using FWB HD ToolKit. Use MacOS or A/UX
partitions, your choice.
2. Go back to the Finder. Drag any MacOS partitions you may have created to
the Trash to unmount them.
3. Run mkfs 1.4
4. You're done! Set up your fstab.

- Rolf Braun ... ... TidalWave on IRC
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