Subject: Sick of PPP questions yet?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Schmidt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/01/1997 20:25:33
Sorry, but I've decided to give PPP a try myself... unsuccessfully.

My setup:  IIsi, 17M, NetBSD 1.2, generic kernel, Intel 14.4 modem.

I used Bill Studenmund's PPP kit, with extra help from Mark Andres'
instructions.  I *think* I have everything set right.

I login as root and type "/etc/ppp/ppp-up".  NetBSD says "Connecting...
Done."  And then prints pppd's pid.  This is what I see when I do
"ps -x" (irrelevant ones left out):

  100 ??  Is     0:00.18 /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty00 19200 connect /etc/ppp/ppp-co
nnect /etc/ppp/ppp-number
  101 ??  I      0:00.19 sh -c /etc/ppp/ppp-connect /etc/ppp/ppp-numbers /etc/pp
p/ppp-login /etc/ppp/ppp-
  102 ??  S      0:00.95 /bin/sh /etc/ppp/ppp-connect /etc/ppp/ppp-numbers /etc/
ppp/ppp-login /etc/ppp/pp
  133 ??  S      0:00.73 /usr/sbin/chat   /tmp/ppp-report  /tmp/chat-script

However, nothing happens.  The modem, far as I can tell, is never touched.

Notice how the chat pid is 33 higher than the first ppp-related one?  That's
because every few seconds a new process replaces the old one, and I get
one entry of:

Opening "/tmp/ppp-report"...
Closing "/tmp/ppp-report".

in /tmp/ppp-report for every process.  No idea why.  I've got "debug kdebug 1"
set, which is supposed to send error messages to syslogd, type daemon, level
debug.  So I added daemon.debug to syslog.conf and told it what file to write
to.  Only thing relevant I got was:

Mar  1 19:35:02 tiger pppd[100]: pppd 2.3.0 started by root, uid 0

...which is exactly what I got at the command line.

All files are exactly the same as those in Bill's ppp kit, except that
options and ppp-login were modified for my ISP account, as required.

I imagine that my dynamic address will cause me problems.. but that's
later.. I can't even get the modem to dial, yet.  Any suggestions?

Again, sorry for beating a dead horse..

Thanks for any help..


  ____ Tim Schmidt _____
 // -> <- //  Doctor: Are you troubled by impure thoughts?  \\
//  // Patient: To tell the truth, I rather enjoy them! \\