Subject: Re: FTP Help...
To: Elliott <>
From: Mamoru Yamanishi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/01/1997 11:54:40
Hi Elliott,

please ignoer in case followings are other than yours.

> I would like to allow FTP access to my box (At least my account) but
> don't know how to setup that access.  Right now, it tells me "User access
> denied"

Please add more information of you:

        your mentioned "FTP" means "anonymous-FTP", or non anonymous-FTP?

        what is the ftp cliant application?

I am afraid that you were to access as anonymous by using "Fetch" or

In case of those, please try again after filling the "ID" and "Password"
fields the same as your user id on your box and correct password.

I also work with NetBSD1.2 on IIci.  On my environment, "ftpd" allow
the accewss as non anonymous FTP without further settings.  It may be
require specific settings to allow anonymous FTP, but I have not tried.

If you wish to connect as anonymous, you should better to user "wu-ftp".
There may be not a few documents to allow anonymous-FTP with wu-ftp.
I made a certain DOS/V macine work with NetBSD1.2, that allows
anonymous-FTP with wu-ftp.

Mamoru Yamanishi <>
+81-86-251-8196(voice), +81-86-253-7399(GIII fax)
Dept. Biotechnology, Okayama Univ.