Subject: FTP Help...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Elliott <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/28/1997 11:23:06
I currently have a IIci runnning NetBSD 1.2 with no problems to speak of. 
:)  (Thanks to everyone who replyed to my inital help questions!)  The 
only thing I am trying to figure out and not having much success is FTP.  
I would like to allow FTP access to my box (At least my account) but 
don't know how to setup that access.  Right now, it tells me "User access 
denied" (Or some variant thereof)  I am sure there are some permissions 
or settings somewhere that I have failed to setup.  Please let me know 
exactly what I have to have in order for FTP to work privatly.  Many 
thanx in advance!

  Elliott Freis

                                Silicon Connections    
   Elliott Freis                        |  E-Mail:
   Macintosh Support                    |  Phone:  510-631-0101
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